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1.Relate the link
This is the first and only way to know everyone already. I also say a lot of times so I do not say anymore.This is applicable to everyone but not mandatory. You have to have a blog or personal website, and this is also the main income of the player because the money from it is the highest.
2. Ads automatically switch pages by domain
This is an ad link automatically pretty and convenient, I will explain to you as follows:
When you have a blog or website to write some topics such as download software such as this, the software you usually upload to or mediafire right ... where is also because at this time support Supporting your ad style is when a user clicks on a link that the domain name you will put on the current ad listing in the code.
On top of that you will put fshare mediafire into the code when someone to your blog click anywhere where the link on the ads will show up 5s and then automatically to the destination link.And if you want It shows fshare link that you do not want to display in mediafire, you just add a link, it is not convenient.
To create this type of advertising you do the following: go to Tool -> Full Page Script and copy the code in it and insert into the Header of your blog or Website.
<script type="text/javascript">
var adfly_id = 2666912;
var adfly_advert = 'int';
var popunder = true;
var domains = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''];
</script> <script src=""></script>
var adfly_id = 2666912 : is the id of your account, then usually it automatically retrieves this you do not need to edit anything, everyone is different id slightly.
adfly_advert var = 'int' : exactly the kind of ad, if you choose int , when users click Skip Ads to see the content that links that lead to this kind of recommended because less annoying to users. If you choose " banner " then users still see the content before click Skip Ads , If you want to use form 2 just change the int to banner.
var popunder = true: When you set to true , your pop-advertisements feature is enabled by default , so it's a good idea to remove this line because adding too many ads will annoy the user. To understand this guy you see in section 4 below.
var domains = [] : in the [] sign is the list of domains that you want to advertise will automatically switch over 5s ads when users click on that link and after clicking skip ads it's back to the link people clicked.
Also, if you want a person to visit your website and click on any link it also pops up ads 5s then you insert the following code instead of using the code above:
<script type="text/javascript">
var adfly_id = 2666912;
var adfly_advert = 'int';
var popunder = true;
var exclude_domains = ['', ''];
<script src=""></script>
If you do not know how to insert ads Script to your blog-website how to see the tutorial article at your blog offline.
3. Full-page auto-ads
This is the type of ads that many blogs / websites use but it will be a little annoying for the visitors a little.If a person visit your website then the time you have set the ad will automatically shows up within 5 seconds and after clicking Skip advertising , people will see the content on your site.
Then to create this type of ads you also do the same as the guy in Tools -> Website Entry Script and copy the code in it and insert into the Header of your blog or Website . You look at the code below yourself that will analyze the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
var adfly_id = 2666912;
var adfly_advert = 'int';
var frequency_cap = 5;
var frequency_delay = 5;
var init_delay = 3;
var popunder = true;
</script> <script src=""></script>
var adfly_id = 2666912 : same as above id of your account, how to keep it like that.
var adfly_advert = 'int' : see above
var frequency_cap = 5 : this is the number of ads that will display in 1 day and it counts for 1 IP access.For example, you enter a website that code code more than 10 times a day, it will display 5 times However, even though it is 5 times in a day, still only counts you one time. So the number is 1 or 2 is best to avoid. For those who visit your website.
var popunder = true: same as item 2 i have explained.
var frequency_delay = 5 : is the amount of time that 2 times the ad appears and the unit is in minutes, set 2 or 5 minutes depending on you.
var init_delay = 3 : is the amount of time that the ad will appear when you first enter your website, so the number is 5, meaning that after 5 seconds it will appear on the ad.
4. Ads Pop Ads
This is the type of ads that are good to eat should be integrated into it however it annoys the visitor. When someone on your website when clicked on any link will have a popup window. There are ads of and note that this ad is from the ad store on rather than advertising skip 5s.
Go to Tools -> Pop ads will copy the code in it as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
var adfly_id = 2666912;
var popunder_frequency_delay = 0;
<script src=""></script>
You insert this code into the Header section of your website only then it automatically activates the pop ads feature only. Here if you have read in items 2 and 3 above will see the line is var popunder = true, if you are at the top then it is true then you do not need to insert this code anymore that it will integrate always, but if you hang it then you can insert in the instructions i said above .
5.Advertising only with Banner
This type of advertising also runs automatically as full page type, however it only displays banner and person to blog without clicking on the banner, you are also charged, it is like the CPM (over 1000 views) . Due to the banner only, the price charged for this kind will be lower than the usual $ 0.5 / 1000 view if the view is from the US.
The same way as in sections 2 and 3 and you just change the code var adfly_advert = 'int' to var adfly_advert = 'banner'
In short, one thing that you can make money with adf from the link shortening, placing ads automatically or banner at the website / blog and pop ads. Only can be divided into several categories so a little confused. And for the 1000 views of these types of ads you see at the bottom:
Wish you make fun money!
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